A 10th Caulfield Call out

Greetings parents and former Scouts of 10th Caulfield Scout group,

I appreciate this may not reach a lot of you as we’re using contact information (in some of your cases) going back many years.

This call-out has been selectively sent to families that stayed with us for 3 or more years as Scouts. Therefore, I deduced that those Scouts gained much from Scouting and maybe still using those skills in life.  I also trust you fondly look back to your time with us.

Please consider giving back to us as a Leader. We already have former Scouts, like yourself, who have come back to volunteer as Leaders, but we need more of you to keep us going. Consider it your Jewish community service or a way of ‘paying it forward’. But also consider what being a Leader might look like to you and how it might further connect you to your community and offer you connection and growth. Scouts Victoria offer training and our existing leaders offer you camaraderie.

This is not a massive commitment, and I am happy to discuss what’s involved. All I ask is for you to consider it and email or phone me if you have an inkling of interest.

If this is not for you right now but you know of someone who this might work for, please introduce them to us. We are looking at all ages (18 yrs.+), so this could even be an active family member e.g. grandparent!

If this reached a parent, can you please forward this to your former Scout and maybe add a little Jewish guilt to at least give me a bell! 😊

As you may or may not know Gary Brand is still the Leader of Scouts (this is his 45th year as a Leader!!) so his smiling face will be there to greet and guide you.

Click here to learn more about what is is to be a Leader.

Alternatively if  you can’t help with Leading, do you know any friends or family with Cub age children? If so please remind them of us. We’d be happy to host a new generation of Scouts! Just help our community to keep us in mind!

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours in Scouting

Gav Arndt
Group Leader
0405 199 004

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