10th Caulfield Scout Group would like to welcome you and your family to the wonderful world of Scouting. We are one of the most established groups in the Glen Eira Stonnington District.
Make new friends, learn new skills and take part in lots of exciting activities.
Scouts learn important life skills while having fun and keeping active.
Fun, adventure and challenges that brings together like-minded young people.
Joeys is currently in recess.
Expressions of interest are very much welcome!
We have been providing fun, exciting and rewarding Scouting to boys and girls for over 70 years.
Today more than ever children need a positive alternative to screen time. Scouts is your answer. Teach your children to reconnect with the real world!
10th Caulfield Scout Group offers the Jewish youth of our community quality Scouting in a safe, friendly and clean environment.
All Leaders ensure our member’s physical and mental well-being, whilst providing an educational and fun program based on the fundamentals of Scouting as set out by Scouts Australia.
Latest News
Cub Hike to Lake Lysterfield
On August 25th the Cubs hiked around Lake Lysterfield and up to the highest point overlooking the lake. The Cubs trekked nearly 13 km that day!! Well done to all […]
Who put the Damper on our evening?
Damper making was the order of last night. And boy did it get exciting when a fire truck descended on us. Apparently someone thought we were setting fire to something […]
MasterChef 2024
The annual event that is MasterChef has returned with a venegance last Thursday. Patrols cooked their little hearts out to present Leaders with winning dishes. Who won…? Well I’m not […]
Claire & Matt Tie The Knot
We love a happy ending, we love a happy beginning too. Really this has a bit of both. When two beloved leaders marry we smile. We’re happy. So much so […]
Scouts Bay Ride
Scouts enjoyed a beautiful sunset by the bay as they rode from North rd Brighton to Port Melbourne and back.
Cubs Save Leader!
So Cubs learned more about knot tying and making useful things like a stretcher, which tonight was used to save a very heavy Leader (no offence Matt) from danger!! As […]
Cubs Bike Ride
Cubs rode the Djerring Trail tonight on a beautiful March evening!
Annual Reports and Presentations (ARAP) 2023
ARAP 2023 Thanks to all parents and Leaders for attending our annual get together to celebrate all things 10th Caulfield! Congratulations to all our award winners!
The Fantastic Race 2023
All our Cubs and Scouts attended the annual Fantastic Race in 2023, where they had to race around Melbourne and navigate to checkpoints. At each checkpoint they had to compete […]
Recent media about Scouts
Listen to the Conversation Hour on ABC Radio Melbourne – 28 July 2023 Subjects covered include World Scout Jamboree in a few days in South Korea, child safety in Scouting […]