Annual Reports and Presentations (ARAP) 2023
ARAP 2023
Thanks to all parents and Leaders for attending our annual get together to celebrate all things 10th Caulfield!
Congratulations to all our award winners!
- All our winners
- Alex Brown achieves his Australian Scout Award the highest achievement a Scout can attain.
- Congrats Jackson for winning the CUB VALUES AWARD!
- Mazel tov to Max for a well won AKELA AWARD!
- to Daniel - our CUB SCOUT OF THE YEAR!
- Best Patrol is RED patrol in 2023!
- Madeline wins the ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD!
- Jeremy is indeed the MOST ENTHUSIASTIC SCOUT award winner
- Siena winning the 1st YEAR IN SCOUTS!
- Lia wins the MOST IMPROVED SCOUT award!
- Zac is our worthy winner of the SCOUT LEADER AWARD
- SCOUT OF THE YEAR goes to (drum roll please) - INGRID!
- Our Scout winners!
- the Gary Brand award goes to Jess Kaplan for leadership that went above and beyond whilst Gary was on a leave of absence
- Honour board updates!
- Honour board updates!
- Honour board updates!