Cub Hike to Lake Lysterfield
On August 25th the Cubs hiked around Lake Lysterfield and up to the highest point overlooking the lake. The Cubs trekked nearly 13 km that day!! Well done to all and for the Leaders and parents support.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
Damper making was the order of last night. And boy did it get exciting when a fire truck descended on us. Apparently someone thought we were setting fire to something other than charcoal. Luckily it was smiles all round! Cubs loving every minute of drama. But of course it’s always safety first, so nothing to see here, but fun and delicious damper! We also welcome Mikael as a newly invested Cub and Simon as a newly invested Leader of Cubs
Group Leader Cubs, Joeys, Latest News, Rovers, Venturers
We love a happy ending, we love a happy beginning too. Really this has a bit of both. When two beloved leaders marry we smile. We’re happy. So much so we bought them a chunk of hardwood with a river running through it, and then engraved our love into it. We hope that whenever charcuterie calls them they think of us.
Group Leader Latest News, Scouts
Scouts enjoyed a beautiful sunset by the bay as they rode from North rd Brighton to Port Melbourne and back.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
So Cubs learned more about knot tying and making useful things like a stretcher, which tonight was used to save a very heavy Leader (no offence Matt) from danger!! As you can see with team effort Matt was brought to safety.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
Cubs rode the Djerring Trail tonight on a beautiful March evening!
Group Leader Cubs, Joeys, Latest News, Rovers, Scouts, Venturers
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News, Scouts
All our Cubs and Scouts attended the annual Fantastic Race in 2023, where they had to race around Melbourne and navigate to checkpoints. At each checkpoint they had to compete in a challenge for points. Cubs are aided by Leaders and parents. But Scouts had to complete the day on their own!
Group Leader Cubs, Joeys, Latest News, Rovers, Scouts, Venturers
Listen to the Conversation Hour on ABC Radio Melbourne – 28 July 2023
Subjects covered include World Scout Jamboree in a few days in South Korea, child safety in Scouting and hear from Scouts, Leaders, parents and the chief executive of Scouts Victoria Jon McGregor.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
Cubs made stretchers using wooden spars and rope. As you can see they would be handy in an emergency. Thankfully in this case Olivia was our test victim (errm, I mean ‘patient’) and remained in good health throughout her ordeal!
Group Leader Latest News, Scouts
Scouts last night focused on building fundamentals. Our Scouts recently attended Stradbroke Cup where they were assessed on the quality of their camping. Tonight we started to grow skills in other areas with the senior Scouts teaching construction techniques to our newer members, and culminating with the construction of functional bushcraft furniture.
Getting the word out about our wonderful group was easy at the In One Voice festival. We ran a “build the largest tower from spaghetti” competition and boy did people try all kinds of structures! At the same time we were able to tell people why they need to try Scouting in 2023! More than ever kids need an outlet that isn’t screen related…Scouts is the answer!
Congratulations to Shifra for winning our competition. She has won a $50 Anaconda gift card.
Bingo on Saturday night was a fun night for us all to get together and play old school Bingo. Out Scouts ran games in between and I reckon it was a super low-tech night of fun and laughter. Thanks to all for coming and to Sharon Cohen for organising the food, drinks and gifts. Thanks to the parents for the donations towards the gifts. And a big thanks to our caller Gary for his cheeky Bingo calling.
Group Leader Latest News, Venturers
Well done to Sascha Bajayo for reaching this Venturer pinnacle. Sunday (29/5/2022) was a fabulous night celebrating all that Scouting has to offer. Sascha embodies all the opportunities Scouting has to offer, from local environment action to the greater international world of Scouting. I hope Sascha will come back as a leader and continue to be a great ambassador for Scouting (and 10th Caulfield) for years to come. Kol hakavod.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
So wonderful to be back in the hall again. Cubs settled in for a night of fun. We started the night with the investiture of Max Pohl. We welcome Max and his family into the 10th Caulfield community. Max’s dad Darion is a former Scout with 13th Camberwell and had Robert Hain as a leader. Robert is still very much involved in Scouting as our Venturer leader.
So very good to have people with Scouting background think well of Scouting to then bring their children in for the next generation.
Cubs made paper airplanes using straws
A BIG thank you to Bunnings Chadstone for donating almost all the materials needed to give our hall a recent refurbishment.
Glen Eira City Council (GECC) is part of the $500million Working for Victoria (WFV) initiative that helps Victorians, including people who have lost their jobs as a result of COVID-19, find paid work that supports our community. This initiative is part of the Victorian Government’s $1.7 billion Economic Survival Package, with the WFV fund designed to connect workers with new opportunities that will help our community and contribute to Victoria’s ability to respond to the pandemic.
As a result of GECC partnership with WFV, they have taken on board several Carpenters and Painters. They are now doing work on our hall as we speak. We just have to foot the bill for materials. Thankfully in this case Bunnings is helping us out.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
Cubs cooked up a storm over fire last night! Here they are making damper over coals. Yum!
A big thank you to Bendigo Bank Caulfield Park for their very generous grant of $2000 which went towards air conditioning that was recently installed to our hall. Sam Parasol OAM presented the cheque to Gavin Arndt at our recent ARAP.
Gary Brands 40 years of volunteering for 10th Caulfield Scout Group has been acknowledged by David Southwick MP, and Bendigo Bank Caulfield Park. These two video briefly illustrate Gary’s passion for Scouting and his dedication to 10th Caulfield along with all the benefits Scouting provides our children. Congratulations and Mazel Tov to Gary Brand. Our group thrives thanks to Gary’s care and love.