Cub Hike to Lake Lysterfield
On August 25th the Cubs hiked around Lake Lysterfield and up to the highest point overlooking the lake. The Cubs trekked nearly 13 km that day!! Well done to all and for the Leaders and parents support.
Cubs posts
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
Damper making was the order of last night. And boy did it get exciting when a fire truck descended on us. Apparently someone thought we were setting fire to something other than charcoal. Luckily it was smiles all round! Cubs loving every minute of drama. But of course it’s always safety first, so nothing to see here, but fun and delicious damper! We also welcome Mikael as a newly invested Cub and Simon as a newly invested Leader of Cubs
Group Leader Cubs, Joeys, Latest News, Rovers, Venturers
We love a happy ending, we love a happy beginning too. Really this has a bit of both. When two beloved leaders marry we smile. We’re happy. So much so we bought them a chunk of hardwood with a river running through it, and then engraved our love into it. We hope that whenever charcuterie calls them they think of us.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
So Cubs learned more about knot tying and making useful things like a stretcher, which tonight was used to save a very heavy Leader (no offence Matt) from danger!! As you can see with team effort Matt was brought to safety.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
Cubs rode the Djerring Trail tonight on a beautiful March evening!
Group Leader Cubs, Joeys, Latest News, Rovers, Scouts, Venturers
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News, Scouts
All our Cubs and Scouts attended the annual Fantastic Race in 2023, where they had to race around Melbourne and navigate to checkpoints. At each checkpoint they had to compete in a challenge for points. Cubs are aided by Leaders and parents. But Scouts had to complete the day on their own!Â
Group Leader Cubs, Joeys, Latest News, Rovers, Scouts, Venturers
Listen to the Conversation Hour on ABC Radio Melbourne – 28 July 2023
Subjects covered include World Scout Jamboree in a few days in South Korea, child safety in Scouting and hear from Scouts, Leaders, parents and the chief executive of Scouts Victoria Jon McGregor.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
Cubs made stretchers using wooden spars and rope. As you can see they would be handy in an emergency. Thankfully in this case Olivia was our test victim (errm, I mean ‘patient’) and remained in good health throughout her ordeal!
10th Caulfield Scout Group in is on the lookout for new leaders for their Cub Scout section (children aged 8 to 11). This volunteer position would be ideal for someone looking to add youth leadership to their CV.
Scouting provides young people with essential life skills, from problem solving, outdoor skills to leadership opportunities. As a leader you would be supported by our existing leaders and parent helpers, supplemented by Scouts Victoria’s extensive e-Learning platform. We give you room to grow with face-to-face courses run by Scouts Victoria to further expand your skills.
What are we looking for in you? History with the Scouting movement would be ideal, but enthusiasm and a desire to see young people thrive is paramount. Make contact and we’ll have a chat.
We are looking to onboard new leaders starting mid-June 2022.
If you know someone, or want to know more:
please contact Gavin Arndt or phone 0405 199 004.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
So wonderful to be back in the hall again. Cubs settled in for a night of fun. We started the night with the investiture of Max Pohl. We welcome Max and his family into the 10th Caulfield community. Max’s dad Darion is a former Scout with 13th Camberwell and had Robert Hain as a leader. Robert is still very much involved in Scouting as our Venturer leader.
So very good to have people with Scouting background think well of Scouting to then bring their children in for the next generation.
Cubs made paper airplanes using straws
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
Cubs cooked up a storm over fire last night! Here they are making damper over coals. Yum!
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
We’d like to welcome Gabriella Goldman (AKA Gigi) to our group. Gigi has completed her 6 weeks as a new chum and was invested on Tuesday. Gigi was joined by her family which included an existing 10th Caulfield family, the Bajayos. Gigi’s 1st cousin Sascha was present to also help invest Gigi. Sascha is a huge inspiration to her (in height and achievement!) as Sascha just recently attained the Australian Scout Medallion (ASM) and will soon be moving on the Venturers.
We are super pleased to have both these families in our community and we look forward to Gigi’s Scouting achievements.
Group Leader Cubs, Joeys, Latest News, Rovers, Scouts, Venturers
Thanks to everyone who attended ARAP on Sunday. Here are some timely snaps that captured the event. Well done to all our awardees.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
On Tuesday, September 11th 2018, Scouts Australia dignitaries from District and State level will be at the scout hall in Miller Street, Elsternwick to present the coveted badge to Ava Boulton-Webb.
The Grey Wolf Award is the pinnacle of the Cub Scout Section and one that only a 6% of Cubs attain in Victoria.
It is no surprise Ava has reached her ultimate goal. Last year she was awarded ‘2017 Cub Scout of the Year’.
There are a number of requirements involved in earning this big achievement. Ava had to complete merit badges covering safety, outdoors, health and fitness and scouting traditions. She also had to attend pack council meetings, an overnight camp and plan and lead a 2-hour bushwalk entirely on her own.
It has been a tremendous year for 10th Caulfield Cub Scouts, with yet another Cub receiving her Grey Wolf award – the highest individual award in Cub Scouts, which is open to boys and girls aged 8 to 10.
This continues a strong tradition of 10th Caulfield Cub Scouts achieving their Grey Wolf badge, with 3 more cubs over the past 3 years.
Ava Boulton-Web, aged 10 and in year 5 at The King David School, joined cubs in 2017. She has totally enjoyed her time in Cubs, from the badgework, to the fun outings, teamwork and camping. She plans on moving up to Scouts very soon.
10th Caulfield Scout Group has been based in Elsternwick for over 50 years and continues to offer the Jewish youth of our community quality Scouting in a safe and friendly environment. We are always seeking new members and adult leaders. If you are interested Contact us here.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News, Scouts
Scouts and Cubs combined at the beach this week to take advantage of summer daylight savings. Sascha and Jess ran a fun program at Elwood beach that got everyone working in Patrols. Scouts helped Cubs with lashings and other knots and from what I could see everyone had a great (albeit windswept) night!
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News
I’d like to welcome Daniel and Hugo to the fold. Both boys knew their Scout Law and Promise and said they would live by those gold standards. So they received their badges, scarves, caps and after an almighty WOOOF they joined their new Six and the night began with learning all the basic Scout knots. An oldie but a goodie.
Group Leader Cubs, Latest News, Scouts
Two new Scouts joined our group last night. Leah and Jacob hadn’t attended Scouts before this term and loved it so much they were invested last night. We welcome both into our group as we do to their respective families. Both families have ties back to scouting. Jacob’s grandmother was a Guide leader in our very hall, and Leah’s stepdad Jason was a Scout in the Doncaster region back when your GL was a Scout.
We also had the going-up ceremony for Jay and Mark who leave Cubs and now start in Scouts. Akela wished them farewell as they left Cubs on the next stage of their Scouting life.