ARAP 2022
Sunday the 27th of November we held our annual ARAP (Awards Reports and Presentations) at the hall. Here are a few photos from the event. Congratulations to all the award winners.
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A few Scouts, leaders, parents and tenants of the hall came for some training by Owen of St John Ambulance. It’s super easy to use, but let’s hope we never need it.
The defib is located next to the first aid cabinet as you enter the kitchen on your right. Next time you’re in the hall go and admire it.
Mum’s stayed back at cubs this week to play! Bagheera (David) ran this fun night and had the mums versus the cubs at games then later damper was made. From all accounts it was a great night for all.
Two of our leaders received Volunteer Recognition awards last night at the Glen Eira City Council’s Volunteer Recognition Program Ceremony.
Gary Brand received a Certificate of Appreciation for his 30+ years of service to Scouting. In reality Gary is into his 37th year of service!! Which is still a number I have trouble really comprehending!
Matt Minski received a Certificate of Appreciation for his 2000+ hours of service to Scouting. Matt lives for Scouting, just have a conversation with him and you’re instantly infected with his passion for his Scouting life.
We are lucky to have two very devoted people providing such a rich and rewarding experience to our children. It was a lovely evening of music, words and food, and a thoughtful gesture to all the volunteers in our district.
Four of our Scouts were also present. Ironically they were volunteering their time to usher people to their seats and also helping to serve supper. I received so much positive feedback from the staff and guests about the behaviour and manner of our Scouts. They were truly mensch’s last night. Thank you Sascha , Josh , Dara and Aidan .
Levi join’s 10th Caulfield tonight after making his Cub Scout promise and reciting the Cub Scout law in front of the whole Pack. We welcome Levi and his family into the 10th Caulfield community and hope he has a fantastic Scouting life.
For those not familiar with the promise and law, here it is:
The Cub Scout Promise
On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best,
To do my duty to my God, and
To Australia
To help other people, and
To live by the Cub Scout Law
The Cub Scout Law
A Cub Scout is loyal and obedient
Cub Scouts do not give into themselves.
Welcome our newest cubs Ava and Lily to 10th Caulfield. Having spent time with Ava and Lily last weekend at our family camp it became quite apparent they are born cubs! They just have the right attitude and seem to ‘get’ what it means to be a cub scout. We welcome them along with Leah, Jason, David and Mihal to our community and know they will have a full and fun scouting life.
Scouts scaled dizzy heights last night at Bayside Rock in Carrum Downs. After a safety chat and some instructions Scouts split off in teams of 3 to start scaling the indoor rock climbing walls. Scouts took to this like a spiders to a web. Soon our scouts were zipping up these huge walls with no fear. Big thanks to Matt for driving the bus and Charlie for leading for the night. It was a another great scouting night!
We like to celebrate great Scouting achievements at 10th Caulfield. Ashley Morris truly ‘gets’ what it is to be a Scout and strives to explore as much as Scouting has to offer. Ashley recently achieved the highest accolade afforded to a Scout by working towards and finally completing the requirements for The Scout Medallion. We are so proud of Ashley. He truly embodies all that Scouting stands for and it is the underlying reason he was also awarded Scout of the Year at our 2016 ARAP (Annual Reports and Awards Presentation). Ashley recently turned 15 and has started with the next section, Venturers. We wish him well on his continuing journey through Scouts.
We have fresh new signs out the front of our hall. Now, admittedly we wont get many passing folk being on a cul-de-sac, but hey we can celebrate a fresh look can’t we?
Thanks to Scouts Victoria for funding these signs and thanks to Glen-Eira Stonnington District (specifically Chris Anderson) for getting the signs to us. A final thanks to Gav and Steve for getting them stuck up on the wall.
They came in costume and haunted our hallowed halls last night. Scouts from Halloween past descended on Miller street to wreak haunting havoc. Jack ‘O Lanterns were designed, scalped, scooped and carved then lit up as scouts bobbed for apples and finished the night off with a trick or a treat (mostly treats).
Thanks Charlie & Tristan for leading the ghastly and ghoulish night.
Our cubs have just returned from a weekend of fun and adventure. The cubs had non-stop entertainment from adventure challenges, to abseiling, rock wall climbing and camp fire songs. This is what camps are all about! Thanks to all the leaders and helpers, Sarah, David, Jacob, Roxanne, Angharad and Miron, that came along to make this weekend so special for our cubs.
Thanks to our enthusiastic Scouts and Cubs for another very successful day of selling outside Coles Elsternwick on Sunday. Special thanks to Rachel and Symona for making it all happen. We have one more day of selling planned for next Sunday.
Thanks also to our adopted mascot Stroodle Bajayo who sold more tickets than everyone!
Our Scouts are just back from 12 memorable days of fun, rain, sun and activities at the 2016 Australian Jamboree, and event which is held every 3 years. This year it was at Cataract Park in Appin, New South Wales, with our Troop, Troop 111, being led by Gary Brand and Matt Minski, as well as Rahel Leivenzon from 15th Brighton and Craig Latrobe from 1st Wendouree.
Over the two weeks our Scouts had the opportunity to take part in a number of exciting activities, ranging from a mud filled Challenge Valley and on-site Circus extravaganza, to off-site adventures including a day of exploring the wonderful sights of Sydney and another out on the water with snorkels, canoes and water slides. We also had some fortunate Scouts who had the opportunity to fly in a light plane over the Jamboree site itself, with each and every Scout busy from the moment they arrived at Cataract Park to the time they boarded the bus en route back to Melbourne.
We want to deeply thank all our generous leaders for all the time and effort they have put in to ensure our Scouts had an experience they will remember for their lives. A special thank you to Gary Brand who has devoted hundreds of hours in preparation for Troop 111 to have the best AJ ever!
I spoke to Gary over the weekend and he exclaimed it was, in his 35+ years experience, the best Jamboree he has ever attended!
Troop Leaders:
Gary Brand, 10th Caulfield
Matthew Minski, 10th Caulfield
Rahel Leivenzon, 15th Brighton
Craig Latrobe, 1st Wendouree
Terry Better, 15th Brighton
Linh Mai, 1st Wendouree
Do you want to see more photos? Then head to the AJ 2016 Facebook page.
Our Annual Reports and Presentations morning was great! 70+ people were in attendance. Our youth members told us all about their 2015 year in their own words. Jess Kaplan put together a fabulous slide show which illustrated the year in pictures. We received a special message from Matt in Kantestag. And of course the awards were presented. Cr. Jamie Hyams from Glen Eira Council recounted hilarious stories from his scouting days.
A special presentation was made to Gary Brand for his 35+ years of service to Scouts Frank Moore (Region Commissioner – Bays) presented Gary with a certificate of appreciation. Not only was he presented with a special cake but several people spoke from the heart about their bond with Gary and also recalled funny stories of pranks Gary has played on people over the years. We are very blessed in Scouting to have the force that is Gary amongst us, and although a cake really doesn’t encapsulate our thanks fully we hope it goes a small way to convey our gratitude.
Breaking news during the ARAP was that we have a new assistant cub leader. Jacob Granek (Harpatkah Rover leader) can now help Sarah with cubs on a Tuesday. That was excellent news and great extra support for Sarah.
The morning finished with a delicious spread of food donated by Mish from Mish’s Dishes.
Congratulations to all our cubs and scouts that received awards in recognition of their achievements this year.
Ben Cohen
Debbie Pastor
Layla Bloom
Sarah Greiman
Sam Lipkin
Sam Lipkin Sixer Gold
Sarah Greiman Second Silver
Debbie Pastor Bronze
Moshe Hammer Bronze
10th Caulfield scouts and parents helped run the BBQ at Caulfield South Primary School’s recent fete. The weather was hot and dusty and the BBQ stall was slammed at lunch time but we did prevail.
Thanks to the parents and scouts who signed up for the roster and came on the day to help.
Matthew Minski has reported back from Switzerland that all is going well. His short report was …”So far so good, has been an excellent month here and have no reason to believe it’ll change over the next couple of months 🙂 “.
Matthew is one month into a 3 month stay, volunteering at Kandersteg International Scout Centre. To read more about where he is go here.
You can see a 360 degree view around the centre here:
He sent these happy snaps..