Cuboree is officially Awesome

3000 Cubs descended on Gilwell park, Gembrook from  September 29th for 5 massive days of fun. 10th Caulfield joined 15th Brighton and 13th Malvern to become pack 216 Sharkbait with the catch cry “Sharkbait, Hoo Ha Ha” which resounded around Gilwell, as our pack was the only one (of 90) that we know of with a catchy catch cry. From all accounts the activities were awesome and everyone came home happy, tired and covered in a thick layer of mud. Thanks to the leaders and parent volunteers who made this time for our kids so much fun. A HUGE thanks to Steve Silver who represented 10th Caulfield and took care of our cubs.

Photos will soon be published on our (closed/private) cubs Facebook group soon. If you haven’t joined the page please do so now: