Gilweroo 2017
Last weekend our Scouts attended a major Scouting event, the 42nd Gilweroo at Bay Park campsite in Mount Martha. The weather could not have been better with mild nights and warm days, and all the torrential rain that hit Melbourne just gliding past us! Out Scouts participated is so many activities over the weekend, from BMX ridimg, sock wrestling, to Slot cars, Zorbing, Rocket lauchers, flying fox, T-shirt printing, Challenge valley, Archery, remote control cars and actually there were lots more. Craig and I kept the Scouts WELL fed and watered in between activities. We were surrounded by over 1500 Scouts at Bay Park in amongst the wonderfully woody bushland of the Bay Park campsite. It never felt crowded with each Scout group dwelling in their own campsite. This is my second time at Gilweroo and it’s such a well run event. So many happy faces as patrols walked from activity to activity.
Major thanks to Gary, Tristan and Matt who organised the weekend. Thanks to Craig Spiegel for his help in the kitchen.
And a big mazel tov to our two patrols the Boyz and the Girlz who attained a Gold award for their efforts! Well done!
We bid a fond farewell to Joel and Daniel who were simultaneously invested to our time-honoured tradition of the “Shower Parade”. This occurs when Scouts enjoy their last camp as a Scout. Gary made sure most of Gilweroo witnessed the event, much to everybody’s enjoyment.